Decision-Making for Autonomous Robots (DMAR)

Junior Research Group, PhenoRob (DFG Cluster of Excellence), University of Bonn

Welcome to our group page!

Robots need the capability to understand and reason about their surroundings in order to reach their goals. Our junior research group focuses on developing robotic systems that can sense, learn about, and act intelligently in different environments to perform useful tasks. We want to answer the question: how should an autonomous agent behave in an uncertain enviornment to maximise the utility of its actions within the set of its resource constraints? In other words, how can a desired mission be executed most efficiently? Our current research fields span planning/coordination, environmental mapping, and computer vision for decision-making. Our key application area is agriculture robotics (both aerial and ground) in context of the DFG Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob. Our lab is part of the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the University of Bonn. Marija Popović leads the junior research group.

Group members:

  • Marija Popović, Junior Research Group Leader
  • Liren Jin, PhD student
  • Julius Rückin, PhD student
  • Jonas Westheider, PhD student
  • Felix Stache, Master student
  • Utkarsh Bajpai, student assistant


  • September 2022. Our journal article “Adaptive Path Planning for UAVs for Multi-Resolution Semantic Segmentation” is accepted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
  • September 2022. Our group website is up!


Marija Popović
Junior Research Group Leader
Niebuhrstraße 1a — 53113 Bonn — Germany
Phone: +49 228 73 60825 — Email: